About Me

Oh my gosh…where do I begin? I am originally from Torrington, Connecticut but moved to Clearwater, Florida when I was 13. I graduated from the University of Florida in the Spring of 2021 with a B.S. in Dietetics & Food Science, and am back in the Clearwater area where I completed my 1000 hour internship and completed my education as a registered dietitian!

Growing up, I experienced the death of people close to me from lifestyle-related diseases like certain cancers, heart disease, COPD, and more. I always had a fascination with the human body and wanted to know why these tragedies kept happening around me. It was in high school that my parents began changing their eating habits to better serve their bodies, and the passion they exuded from discovering their new-found energy and excitement for life rubbed off on me.

Realizing how many diseases could be treated and prevented through nutrition and lifestyle changes made me want to share what I know with others. Today’s society tells us to prioritize work over wellness, which leads to burnout, stress, fatigue, and more, which can culminate into deadly diseases longterm. This fact is what made me pursue preventative care in my practice. Before beginning my education, I told myself if I could help just one person in my lifetime, I would be happy. Luckily, with social media I get to help thousands more.

Everything I do is to serve YOU. Join the So Fit Society community today and begin your healthy change.